Errosion control products

About errosion control

To be a reliable supplier of coir products that meets quality standards of our customers with great value for money. Building “long term business relationships” with our customers is our main focus. Why should you consider us?

  • We export products that we manufacture in-house. We are not an export agent or a trading company. Ensuring the right quality of our products and competitive prices
  • We have flexibility to manufacture products to meet our customer specifications.
  • With our products, we offer value for money (quality coir products at attractive prices)
  • Our objective is “long term business relationships” meaning we do not want to disappoint our customers

Erosion control products

Soil erosion is usually caused by one of two environmental events — wind or water.

Wind erosion occurs in flat, bare areas where land may have recently been cultivated or in dry, sandy areas where soil might be loose or unstable. Wind erosion lifts soil particles into the air and deposits sediment over great distances. Preventing soil erosion due to wind involves stabilizing the soil, increasing its moisture content, and encouraging it to form clumps and clods, making it more difficult to move.

Soil erosion caused by water produces drastic changes across a landscape. As surface soil is washed away, vital nutrients go with it, compromising seed and plant growth. Cultivated land is susceptible to sheet erosion when the soil becomes overwhelmed by the rush of water and can't absorb moisture or filter the water. Combating erosion from water involves shoring up ditches and culverts, as well as creating dams to divert water's progress or slow it down.

Causes of Soil Erosion

Rainfall and runoff contribute to soil erosion by carrying soil away and leaving behind sediment, pesticides, and fertilizers in its path. Wind does much the same, except dust clouds from suspension erosion can travel vast distances to blanket regions or smother crops with sediment. Soil's vulnerability to erosion might dictate how extensive damage might be but may also provide clues to preventing erosion or minimizing its impacts. Slope length, land topography, and elevation contribute to soil erosion. Mudslides are a common sight when erosion from water sends sheets of topsoil to slide over itself and dislodge. Accumulating structures like sand dunes created from deposits left from wind erosion are likely to be lifted and carried into the air over and over during a wind event. Vegetation, or the lack of it, plays a vital role in keeping soil stable and stationary. Roots from growing plants help bind soil together to make it harder to move. Trees can provide soil protection from the wind by making it more difficult for wind to reach the soil.

Effects of Soil Erosion

Economic impacts include crop loss, loss of soil fertility, and repairs or restorations to regions affected by soil erosion. Infrastructure might be weakened and roadways compromised due to accumulating sediment or runoff. The environmental impacts of soil erosion can be seen in several influences. Wind erosion might strip the land of its topsoil surface and compromise substructures or rooting plants. Water erosion can stress rivers and streams and cause their protective banks to collapse under water's driving force. In regard to the impacts on human health, wind erosion can cause dust and dirt particles to be lifted into the air and possibly blown through windows, exacerbating allergies or upper-respiratory issues. Water erosion compromises agriculture and might result in low-quality produce. Both types of erosion wash away fertilizers and pesticides, carrying them over the land to deposit in rivers or streams or via wind, tainting air and water quality.

Definition of Soil Bioengineering

This technology integrates sound engineering practices with ecological principles. It uses living plant material in combination with non-living, structural elements and manufactured products. The practice brings together biological, ecological, and engineering concepts to produce living, functioning systems for erosion and flood control, habitat, and aesthetic enhancement, and water quality improvement.

Purpose of Soil Bioengineering

Soil bioengineering integrates living plants, structural and manufactured materials together in mutually reinforcing complimentary roles. The structural components initially protect the site mechanically and develop a stable, healthy environment for the plants to establish. This technology is useful in the protection, stabilization, mitigation, and reclamation of slopes, streams, rivers, shorelines, wetlands.

Preventative Measures

Today's market offers many soil erosion control products in varying applications that can help minimize the impact. Whether their use is for road construction or to provide stabilization and filtration, there are products that can meet and exceed expectations. Geotextiles help control erosion and come in several different shapes, types, and textures depending on the purpose it will serve. Geotextiles come in three main forms: woven, non-woven, and coir. These textiles are useful in the preventative practices of strip farming and terracing.

Woven Geotextiles

Woven geotextiles and fabrics are made from several different fiber types. Their tight construction stabilizes soil and are effective for erosion control. These geotextiles are often used in road construction and shoreline erosion control. Woven geotextiles are put to work in regions of heavy erosion, in riprap, and on embankments and slopes to minimize runoff and wall collapse.

Non-woven Geotextiles

Non-woven geotextiles are used for their smooth, felt-like surface that allows water to flow through the fabric while still filtering particles. Non-woven geotextiles are used in areas that require subsurface filtration and stabilization and provide adequate drainage. Non-woven geotextiles are often found in asphalt overlays and in the understructure of ponds.

Coir textiles

Coir textiles are made from the husk of the coconut and provide a natural solution to erosion control. Coir textiles allow for deep rooting and provide nutrients to support the growth and development of vegetation. Coir supplies adequate aeration and drainage to allow for permanent vegetation to grow through. Coir works to hold seeds and saplings in place and is safe for wildlife. Coir needs no chemical treatment. Coir is used to create check dams — small dam constructions across ditches or swales to slow the flow of water or divert its movement. It also adds to existing contours in order to build up the land or fill rills or gullies. Because coir's life span is two to five years, it is used for short-term, temporary, and semi-permanent solutions. Coir comes in various forms in order to utilize it to its full potential. • Coir wattles create a natural barrier to filter water. Coir wattles are used for their strength and filtration qualities and make wattles ideal for new construction sites to minimize impact. They're also found in restoration projects to help prevent future damage. • Coir erosion control blankets are used to increase soil stability. They are effective in decreasing the effects of wind and water erosion and are often used on slopes or areas sensitive to erosion. In climates where there is a lot of shade or cold temperatures increase seed germination time, coir erosion blankets are used to protect and nurture seeds. • Coir logs / Coir Blocks work in the same way as wattles and blankets, but their shape makes them ideal for use in areas of erosion and runoff such as hills, banks, and shorelines. More is understood today about how soil erosion impacts the environment, economy, and health. With this knowledge in mind, products on the market are designed to perform various functions in order to stem the tide and offset the wind.

Coir geotextile / coir net

Coco Geo Textile is a 100% natural product as it is made out of pure coir, drawn from the husk of the coconut and use no synthetic material. Coir Geo Textile mats are manufactured using hand twisted yarn as well as machine spun twine. It is used as a blanket to prevent soil erosion and it can be used for all soil bioengineering and erosion control application in stream banks, slopes, wetlands, hillside soils and golf course development. Since coir fibre is naturally resistant to rot moulds and moisture it needs no chemical treatment. It is hard and strong and it has the strength and durability to protect the slopes from erosion while allowing vegetation to flourish. Geo Textile is widely used for civil engineering applications and slope stabilization applications as a mechanical strength that is necessary to hold soil in place and prevent erosion.

Coir textiles

Coco Geo Textile is a 100% natural product as it is made out of pure coir, drawn from the husk of the coconut and use no synthetic material. Coir Geo Textile mats are manufactured using hand twisted yarn as well as machine spun twine. It is used as a blanket to prevent soil erosion and it can be used for all soil bioengineering and erosion control application in stream banks, slopes, wetlands, hillside soils and golf course development. Since coir fibre is naturally resistant to rot moulds and moisture it needs no chemical treatment. It is hard and strong and it has the strength and durability to protect the slopes from erosion while allowing vegetation to flourish. Geo Textile is widely used for civil engineering applications and slope stabilization applications as a mechanical strength that is necessary to hold soil in place and prevent erosion.

Coir Geotextile Nets Are :

  • 100% environment friendly
  • Will last long before decomposing
  • Very resistant to UV degradation as compared to Synthetic mats
  • Ability to handle high water velocities. - High water absorption capacity of coir fibres promote seed germination
  • Excellent results in Hydroseeding - Will decompose after a period of time leaving excellent mulch for the growing vegetation
  • Cost effective compared to synthetic mats Depending on its application and exposure, coco mat lasts two to five years

This extended longevity period allows enough time to establish adequate vegetation allowing erosion control the way nature intended. Coco Geotextile Mats are Available in Standard Sizes of

Grade Width Length Warp/Weft Mesh Size
400 G/SM 2 M 50 M 28/20 4X4 CM
700 G/SM 2 M 50 M 40/30 2X2 CM
900 G/SM 2 M 50 M 48/36 1.5X1.5 CM

Apart from above standard specification, product can be tailor made to suit your specification.

River bank erosion

Rivers and streams are dynamic waterways that are always changing. Part of this change occurs during river bank erosion. While river bank erosion can sometimes deliver favorable results, more often it can have harmful outcomes. Learn more about how and why river bank erosion occurs and methods you can use to stop bank erosion from happening. What Is River Bank Erosion? River bank erosion occurs when water wears away at the banks of a river or stream. While river erosion is a naturally occurring process, human impact can increase its rate. Common contributing factors to river and stream bank erosion


  • Clearing vegetation away from the river bank.
  • Flooding.
  • Intense rainfall.
  • River bank saturation from non river water.
  • Stream and land use management.
  • River straightening.
  • River redirection around infrastructure or debris in the channel.
  • Characteristics of the river bank soil.

The impact of river bank erosion

While almost all rivers will have some amount of healthy river bank erosion, unstable rivers that have large amounts of erosion are cause for concern. At the site of the erosion, issues can include loss of businesses and farmland, which can bring economic hardship to the area. Additionally, erosion can lead to homelessness and migration if people are forced to move. The most significant problem with river bank erosion is mass failure, which occurs when an entire section of the river bank collapses into the river. Not only does river bank erosion impact the area where the erosion is happening but it can also affect life down the river. Erosion sends extra sediment downstream, which can change the river's course and disrupt shipping channels.

How to stop river bank erosion

While river bank erosion is an ongoing issue, there are certain river bank control methods available that can slow down or even stop the process. Because erosion occurs in a natural environment on the water, most people prefer to use natural materials to control river bank erosion. When you're exploring river bank erosion control options, you'll find everything from temporary and biodegradable materials to permanent solutions.

Natural vegetation

Vegetation has a major impact on bank erosion. For the most part, river banks that have vegetation erode slower than those without. This is because the roots of the vegetation generally increase the soil's strength around the river bank, which makes the bank less prone to mass failure. Additionally, plants can act as shock absorbers during heavy rainfall, which also slows the rate of erosion. While trees and plants that are native to the area are always the best choices when selecting natural vegetation to control river bank erosion, you can also opt for plants known for their expansive root systems and ability to grow near water.

Soil erosion mats

Another common option for erosion control is a soil erosion mat. While these mats are sometimes made with wood fiber or straw, one of the top materials used is coir coconut fiber. This is because coir is strong yet natural. Plus, unlike straw or wood, coir can last in the water anywhere from two to five years. It's good for areas that need temporary reinforcement because it offers a period of increased stabilization before eventually biodegrading into the surrounding area. Additionally, coir soil erosion mats won't harm fish or other wildlife in the water, and it can help vegetation establish along the shoreline for long-term erosion control.


You can get geotextiles in different materials for a variety of applications. One option you'll find is woven or nonwoven synthetic fiber geotextiles. Woven geotextiles are incredibly strong, which makes them well-equipped to handle large drainage and erosion control areas. Nonwoven geotextiles are permeable, so they're ideal for areas where you need drainage and sediment control. Because both woven and nonwoven geotextiles are made with synthetic fibers, they're UV- and rot-resistant. You can also find geotextiles made with coir fabric. The fabric comes on rolls that flatten out on the embankment. Unlike synthetic fabric geotextiles, coir geotextiles are biodegradable and won't harm the environment. Additionally, the roots of vegetation can potentially grow through the fibers and establish plants over the geotextiles.

Tree revetment

Tree revetment is a river bank erosion control system that uses small fallen trees anchored horizontally in place along the river bank to prevent erosion. The trees slow the flow of water, which cuts back on the rate of erosion. They also catch sediment in the tree branches and prevent it from flowing down the river. This sediment then creates an effective soil bed to let natural vegetation take root.


For a river bank that needs a strong and permanent erosion control method, gabions might be the best choice. Gabions are large metal baskets filled with stone or concrete rubble. They're an ideal solution for areas in which a large amount of soil erosion is likely to occur. Although they're not particularly attractive, you can sink the gabions below the water line at the river. Not only does this make them nearly invisible but it also helps slow the velocity of water flow and train the river to flow in the desired path. Although river bank erosion has serious consequences, you have several option to control it. When you need to stop river bank erosion, consider implementing one of these effective methods.

Coir logs / coir blocks for river bank erosion control

Coir logs are another river bank erosion repair method made using coconut fiber. Coir logs / Blocks are large in diameter, which makes them ideal for supporting river banks or being used for erosion control on hills, shorelines, and other areas prone to erosion. Even though they're big, coir logs are easy to place. Once they're in position, they can help establish vegetation growth. They've been effectively used in construction sites, restoration projects, and stabilization areas. Most coir logs will last two to five years before biodegrading. Coir logs are natural product made with coconut fibers to stabilize soil and support along river banks. They offer a high level of reinforcement and tensile strength. Coir logs are mainly densely packed coir fibers inside a tubular / square coir netting. The diameter and length of the coir logs depend on the flow velocity and slope ratio. The diameters vary from 12 to 20 inch and length can be as long as 20 feet. Multiple coir logs can be joined together using twine. Coir logs help to restore marshes and provide a durable barrier. They last from two to five years before biodegrading. They are strong enough to withstand adverse weather conditions. There is no chemical seepage from coir logs and these logs naturally break down providing nutrients to the soil.


  • Easy to install
  • Improves seed germination, vegetative growth and facilitates root development
  • Helps build into existing contours
  • Returns nutrients to the environment
  • Requires no chemical treatment
  • High air and water permeability
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Safe for surrounding wildlife
  • Biodegrades over 2-5 year Specifications


For a river bank that needs a strong and permanent erosion control method, gabions might be the best choice. Gabions are large metal baskets filled with stone or concrete rubble. They're an ideal solution for areas in which a large amount of soil erosion is likely to occur. Although they're not particularly attractive, you can sink the gabions below the water line at the river. Not only does this make them nearly invisible but it also helps slow the velocity of water flow and train the river to flow in the desired path. Although river bank erosion has serious consequences, you have several option to control it. When you need to stop river bank erosion, consider implementing one of these effective methods.